Hello! If you are new in the social web sites, it will be grateful for you to read this article. I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of been owner of socials web sites, like tuenti, twitter, whatsapp...
Nowadays you know that all the people have a different social web site, to comunicate with friends, to publish photos... but those socials webs not only are good for the people they also have disadvantages.
First I will comment you the advantages of been owner of social web. You can speak with your friends that you haven't seen during a long time because they are far away or etc. You can publish videos, pictures, photos and also you can see the photos that the other people publish. You can meet people to do an a activity. You are able to make group conversation. You notice of news for example, new music, sports, politics...
Now I'm goig to tell you about the disadvantages of the social web. You have to be responsible with the information that you put in the red. Strangers can see your photos, it doesn't matter if they aren't your friends in the social web. In addition there are cases of ciberbullying. This can be dangerous, because people have received threats. Also there are many molesters in Facebook an in others social web sites, who can blackmail you. There are hackers that they can get a lot of information about you.
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